System Support Consultant Email Phone: 608.347.1716 Dr. Elizabeth Freeman has been supporting CESA 2 schools since 2015. She is passionate about helping educators maximize student growth. She believes in the transformative potential of education – both for individual students, families, and society.
After receiving her doctorate in Educational Psychology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2007, Dr. Freeman practiced as a School Psychologist. During this time, she became acutely aware of the need for high-quality professional support for schools. The task of educating all students to high academic, behavioral, and social-emotional standards requires internal and external supports to identify needs, to select and implement best practices to a level of high fidelity, and to plan for sustainability.
Dr. Freeman’s areas of interest include School Systems, School Improvement, Data Analysis, Strategic Planning, RtI/MTSS, Pupil Service Delivery, Student Behavior, Social Emotional Learning, and Mental Health.
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