Cooperative Education Service Agency 2
Centers of Excellence
CESA 2 recognizes that the world of education is dynamic. The Centers of Excellence are the services in which CESA 2 has established designated areas of expertise to best support educators, schools, and districts.
Cooperative Education Service Agency 2 Stats
Cooperative Education Service Agency 2 Staff
Meet Ron Dayton
Liaison Project Center Leader
Ron Dayton’s professional life as an educator will reach its 50th year in 2020-2021. Graduating from Aurora University in 1971, Ron began as a 5th grade teacher in Batavia, IL and crafting his classroom experience for six years in grades 2-5 in Naperville, IL. During this time, he accomplished Master’s Degrees in Curriculum and Instruction and in Administration from Northern Illinois University. A combination Principalship / K-6 Teacher of the Gifted assignment...Read More onRon
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